Vinh Giang

International Keynote Speaker

Vinh Giang is an inspirational speaker who combines adversity and magic to motivate and inspire audiences around the world. For many years Vinh noticed the common threads between the world of business and the world of magic.

Coming from the humble beginnings of a Vietnamese refugee family, Vinh now works with companies from all over, sharing the core elements of communication from one of the world’s most secretive crafts… Magic.

With only six months to graduate, Vinh left his degree in commerce and law to become an online magic teacher ultimately building a hugely successful online business, 52kards, which now serves over 900,000 students all around the world. This earned him the award of Top Young Entrepreneur in Australia.



5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Open Your Mind to the Possibilities

In Vinh’s session, he will share with you the power of perspective, why we need to become more conscious of our environment (the people we spend time with), how to achieve the impossible and even develop a sixth sense. What we know in this world is that everything that once seemed impossible can be reimagined and overcome. It takes suspending old belief systems. Unlocking mindsets. Innovating. Deliberate and definitive action. And yes, even a little magic.